Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Topejawa Melalui Pengembangan Teknologi Budidaya Rumput Laut
Budidaya Rumput Laut, Topejawa, Kultur Jaringan, Digital MarketingAbstract
Some of the main problems faced by seaweed cultivators are the lack of technical knowledge and expertise in seaweed cultivation, limited access to the latest equipment and technology, and the lack of effective marketing networks to increase the selling value of seaweed. Community service aims to improve the knowledge and skills of the people of Topejawa Village through the development of sustainable seaweed cultivation technology. The activity was in the form of counseling, training and socialization to 50 seaweed farming communities in Topejawa Village, Mangarabombang District, Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi. The evaluation was carried out through in-depth interviews and observation of impacts in the field after the activity ended. Community service activities of the South Sulawesi Indonesia Doctoral Gathering Forum (Forsiladi) have a significant positive effect. According to the observations and assessments carried out, 95% of the participants considered community service activities to be very useful and had increased knowledge by 40% and seaweed cultivation skills by 50%, marketing skills by 50%, and entrepreneurial spirit by 60%.
Keywords : Seaweed Cultivation, Topejawa, Tissue Culture, Digital Marketing